MATVÍS sickness fund provides financial support in the form of sick pay and other benefits from MATVÍS Sickness Fund to its members with various grants.
Grant applications can be submitted electronically on ‘My Pages‘ (MINAR SIÐUR), or by submitting an application to the MATVÍS office at Stórhöfði 29-31.
Payments of sick pay from the fund are made monthly, on the last working day of the month. Applications must be submitted to the fund by the 20th of each month.
Members who are absent from work due to illness are encouraged to familiarize themselves with their entitlement to illness benefits from Sjúkratrygging Íslands. Sjúkratrygging Íslands sickness benefit payments do not affect MATVÍS sickness benefit payments.
Sick pay
When an MATVÍS member falls ill and the sickness rights, according to the collective agreement with the employer are fully used, the MATVÍS Health Sick Fund takes over and pays the sick leave to the member. This way, the fund compensates members for the loss of earnings after the end of traditional sick days with the employer. The amount paid out is 80% of the average salary for the last 12 months.
The documents needed are:
- Physician’s exemption (Sjúkradagpenigavottorð)
- Confirmation from the employer that all sick days have been used (form on
- Do you want to use tax relive (form on
- Filled out application (form on
Fitness passes
Conditions: Payments are made to the union continuously for at least last 12 months.
Fund members can receive co-financing for training at gyms, swimming passes, dance schools (courses) and sports clubs. The subsidy is up to 60% of the costs incurred, but never exceeds ISK. 50,000 for a period of 12 months.
You must provide:
Receipts containing the name and identification number (kennitala) of the seller and buyer of the services and proof of payment.
Conditions: Payments are made to the union continuously for at least last 6 months.
40% of the costs are paid, up to a maximum of ISK. 82,500 over a 12 months period, for rehabilitation and treatment by a licensed therapist,(licensed by the proper institution), such as a physiotherapist, chiropractor, occupational therapist, health massage therapist, medical massage therapist and osteopath.
You must provide:
Bills containing the name and identification number (kennitala) of the seller and buyer of the services and payment confirmation.
Conditions: Payments are made by the fund member continuously for at least last 12 months.
Members of the fund can claim a portion of the cost of therapy with an approved psychologist, social worker or psychiatric nurse. Treatment must be carried out by a certified person. 40% of the cost is reimbursed, up to a maximum of ISK. 9900 per visit. Refunds are valid up to 20 times in a 12-month period.
You must provide:
Bills containing the name and identification number (kennitala) of the seller and buyer of the services and payment confirmation.
Hearing aids
Conditions: Payments are made to the union continuously for at least last 12 months.
The grant is awarded for the purchase of hearing aids. 40% of the cost is paid, up to a maximum of ISK. 100,000 if the cost was more than ISK. 110,000.
The grant is awarded once every three years.
You must provide:
Receipts containing the name and identification number (kennitala) of the seller and buyer of the services and proof of payment.
Grants for glasses
Conditions: Payments are made to the union continuously for at least last 12 months.
The fund may provide subsidies for the purchase of glasses/contact lenses. Subsidies may be granted once every three years.The maximum amount of subsidies for glasses is 80,000 ISK, although this amount cannot exceed 50% of the cost of their purchase. The fund will not pay compensation for damage to glasses where employers or insurance companies are responsible for compensation.
You must provide:
Bills containing the name and identification number (kennitala) of the seller and buyer of the services and proof of payment.
Cancer screening
Conditions: Payments are made to the union continuously for at least last 6 months.
The grant is in the amount of 33,000 once every 12 months.
You must provide:
Bills containing the name and identification number (kennitala) of the seller and buyer of the service and proof of payment.
Cardiac tests
Conditions: Payments are made to the union continuously for at least last 12 months.
The grant is in the amount of 33,000 once every 12 months.
You must provide:
Bills containing the name and identification number (kennitala) of the seller and the buyer of the services and proof of payment.
Reimbursement of part of the doctor’s costs
Conditions: Payments are made to the union continuously for at least last 12 months.
The fund may provide subsidies for members’ expenses for costly medical treatments.
The maximum grant is 40% of the costs occurred (if the costs were higher than ISK. 100,000), but up to a maximum of ISK. 110,000 plus a share of travel expenses, if applicable. The grant is awarded once every three years.
Expensive medical procedures include: laser eye surgery or a stay at a health center. Dental procedures/“implants“ are NOT covered by this grant.
You must provide:
Doctor’s bills showing the name and identification number (kennitala) of the seller and buyer of the services and proof of payment.
Conditions: Payments are made to the union continuously for at least the last 12 months.
40% of the costs are paid, up to a maximum of ISK. 66,000 over a 12 months period, for rehabilitation at chiropractor, occupational therapist, health massage therapist, medical massage therapist and osteopath.
You must provide:
Bills containing the name and identification number (kennitala) of the seller and buyer of the services and payment confirmation.
Childbirth benefit
Conditions: Payments are made to the union continuously for at least the last 12 months.
Childbirth benefit will be awarded to the parent after he or she has provided the birth certificate and the last payslip showing the percentage of hours worked (starfshlutfall). The amount of the benefit is determined by the percentage of hours worked by the parent, and its maximum amount is ISK 154,000. In the case of multiple births, the benefit is increased by ISK 154,000 for each additional child. Both parents are entitled to the benefit, provided that they are members of the Fund and meet the conditions for membership in it.
You must provide:
Birth certificate and last payslip (launaseðill) .
Infertility treatment
Conditions: Payments are made to the union continuously for at least the last 12 months.
The fund may provide subsidies to the costs of infertility treatment. The maximum amount of the surcharge is ISK 110,000, although this amount cannot exceed 40% of the costs, up to four times.
You must provide:
Receipts containing the name and identification number (kennitala) of the seller and buyer of the services and proof of payment.
Prosthetic devices
Conditions: Payments are made to the union continuously for at least last 12 months.
The grant is in the amount of 33,000 but not more than 50% of the cost, once every 12 months.
You must provide:
Receipts containing the name and identification number (kennitala) of the seller and buyer of the services and proof of payment.
Travel costs for health purposes
Conditions: Payments are made to the union continuously for at least last 12 months.
In order to equalize the living conditions of rural residents, the health insurance fund contributes to the travel costs of those who have to travel between parts of the country for operations, examinations or for medical advice. You must apply for a supplement from the Icelandic Health Insurance (SÍ). The SÍ fee is paid for 40 to 100 km ISK. 5500, 100 to 250 km. ISK 11,000, 250 to 400 km. ISK 18700 and 400 km and further ISK. 30,000. A maximum of 10 journeys per year is paid.
You must provide:
Receipts containing the name and identification number (kennitala) of the seller and buyer of the services and proof of payment.
Funeral or sudden death benefit
Upon the death of an active member, next of kin may apply for a grant for funeral expenses, provided that the person has been a member of the fund for at least 6 months, or if the member has paid contributions to the union for at least 10 years before retiring ( and passed away up to 3 years after retiring) , the amount paid is ISK. 520,000.
If the member is aged 70 or over at the time of death and the person was a member of the union for at least 10 years before retirement, the amount paid is: ISK 390,000.
If the member is aged 75 or over at the time of death and the person was a member of the union for at least 10 years before retirement, the amount paid is: ISK 180,000.
If the member is aged 80 or over at the time of death and the person was a member of the union for at least 10 years before retirement, the amount paid is: ISK 100,000.
In case of sudden death of an active member of the fund, a death benefit is paid in the amount of 80% of the average of the last three months salary before death.
Death benefits are not paid if death benefits are paid from the worker’s accident insurance or compensation.
You must provide:
Document confirming death from the relevant office.